Untitled (Orlando) by Suzanne Wright

Untitled (Orlando) by Suzanne Wright


Artwork by Suzanne Wright

Untitled (Orlando), 2021

Vinyl Flashe’paint, Fleur chalky paint, and acrylic paint, repurposed Beech tree, 11.25 x 14 x 13 in

About The Meditation tree stumps from the artist:

I first created these functional art works for a solo exhibition called “The Rainbow Warriors“ in September 2016, at Angel’s Gate Cultural Center, which marked 15 years since 9/11, and I, like many people, have a very personal story attached to this particular moment in time, my perspective was changed from that point on and ultimately it influenced some of the introspective and philosophical issues that are present in my work. The “Rainbow Warriors” painting was inspired by the individuals killed in the Pulse nightclub shooting and was created to find some optical and physiological alternative to mourning. Fabricating a 4-inch diameter hole at the center of the diamond-shaped prism painting, then working within the architecture of the Angels Gate historical space, I drilled a hole that looks out to the sky and the western direction at the main port in Los Angeles. The tree stumps were used to be a place to sit and meditate or contemplate in from of the Rainbow Warrior painting and was used in the first gathering of the collective ritual’s I have been producing. Much of my artwork has been inspired by the paradigm shift that has taken place since 9-11. My practice has centered on both the negative and positive sides of social authority & control. Carl Jung philosophy calls it: “the shadow” the deep journey of interiority, truth, and psychology. The paradoxical truth of the psyche is that to ascend - we must go down first.

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Untitled (Jim) by Suzanne Wright
